Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Everything Will Change


And we never saw it coming.

We didn't know it was happening,
had no clue that anything was even going on.

How often does God change things this way?
Not through pompous nor idealistic politicians, kings, or commerce,
but a light in the darkness we somehow do not see?
How often is God with us, birthing hope
in secret places 
that shake the foundations of the earth?

Because God changed everything in the womb of an inconsequential woman,
through a baby born where there was no room for him,
through a carpenter turned Great Physician.

Yet someone knew to look for him -
a ragamuffin child.
Someone knew to watch
they knew what to watch for,
knew how to recognize the work of God, the light of God.

No one talks much about this mind-blowing fact.
Someone knew how to see the subtle, mundane-seeming movement
of the Maker of the Universe in our midst.

We call them wise.

Teach us how to see, God,
how to see God.
Show us what to watch for, that we may leap for joy
within our own small wombs.
Because we need you to change us.